We use the model of assessments and protocol that is in alignment with the CHEK Institute’s teachings. This includes determining what is causing stress on your body at the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical levels. This training will suit those who have had significant health issues or athletes who are serious about their chosen sport or profession.
Better understanding
You will undergo a comprehensive assessment that will begin to explain why you are the way you are, giving you clarity on how your body needs to train to get results.
Improved energy
By balancing the systems in the body you will feel more vibrant, sleep more peacefully and live your life to the fullest every day.
Reduced stress
By getting to the cause of what is creating the most stress on your body we can help prioritise what actions need to be taken to reduce that stress and create harmony within your body.
After training in our C.H.E.K program you will have the motivation to improve in other areas of your life. You will have an improved passion for the things that you love to do.
What is C.H.E.K ?
You will complete a two hour (minimum) physical assessment that will give us the information we need to begin to gain an understanding of your current state of health. You will also complete comprehensive questionnaires that go into depth in all areas of your life that affect your health. Once your assessments are completed your will begin physical training, as well as lifestyle consultations. We use energy balancing techniques which will include 'work in' as well as 'work out' programs, to reduce the total stress load on your body.
The C.H.E.K program will be suited to people who want to take their understanding of their body to a higher level. People who may have been struggling for some time to overcome illness, had problems decreasing or increasing their weight, would like to start a family or have another baby, athletes who want to improve their performance or people who have emotional blocks that are holding them back.
Once a person begins in training with C.H.E.K coach it changes many aspects of their life for the better. It makes you question how we treat the planet, what your purpose is and how you want to live your life and what legacy you want to leave behind. It will give you the knowledge of who you are and what optimal health is for you. Your body will have the ability to move with ease and reach your true potential.